La diplomazia fiorentina e il finanziamento della guerra anti-ottomana da Sigismondo di Lussemburgo a Mattia Corvino

Katalin Prajda
Institut für Geschichte
ÖFOS 2012
601012 Mittelalterliche Geschichte
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  • 2020 Conflict and Revolt in the Name of Unity: Florentine Factions in the Consulte e Pratiche on the Cusp of the Ciompi Revolt, co-authors, John F. Padgett, Benjamin Rohr, Jonathan Schoots, in Poetics
  • 2020 Political Discussion and Debate in Narrative Time: The Florentine Consulte e Pratiche, 1376-1378, co-authors, John F. Padgett, Benjamin Rohr, Jonathan Schoots, in Poetics- Special Issue on Socio-Semantic Networks,
  • 2018 Network and Migration in Early Renaissance Florence. Friends of Friends in the Kingdom of Hungary (1378-1433) –Amsterdam University Press
  • 2017 Representations of the Florentine Republic at the Royal Court in the Kingdom of Hungary, In: The Routledge History of the Renaissance, ed. William Caferro, Routledge, chapter 23
  • 2017 Florentines’ Trade in the Kingdom of Hungary in the Fourteenth-Fifteenth Centuries. Trade Routes, Networks and Commodities. In: Hungarian Historical Review, 2017/1
  • 2017 Manetto di Jacopo Amannatini, The Fat Woodcarver. Architecture ad Migration in Early Renaissance Florence. In: Acta Historiae Artium 2016, 5-22.
  • 2016 Goldsmiths, Goldbeaters and other Gold Workers in early Renaissance Florence 1378–1433. In: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, ed. Eva Jullien, 195-220.
  • 2016 Trade and Diplomacy in pre-Medici Florence. The Case of the Kingdom of Hungary (1349-1434), In: Causa unionis, causa fidei, causa reformationis in capite et membris, ed. Attila Bárány – László Pósán, Debrecen, 85-106
  • 2015 Justice in the Florentine Trading Community of Late Medieval Buda’, in: Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, 127-2.
  • 2014 The biographies of Pippo Scolari, called Lo Spano, (19th-21th centuries)’, In: New Europe College Yearbook 2011-2012, ed. Irina Vainovski-Mihai, Bucharest, 363- 384.
  • 2013 The Coat of Arms in Fra Filippo Lippi’s Portrait of a Woman with a Man at a Casement’, Metropolitan Museum Journal, vol. 48, 73-80.
  • 2013 Florentine merchant companies established in Buda at the beginning of the 15th century’, In: Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, 125-2.
  • 2012 Unions of Interest. Florentine Marriage Ties and Business Networks in the Kingdom of Hungary during the Reign of Sigismund of Luxemburg’, In: Marriage in Premodern Europe. Italy and Beyond, ed. Jacqueline Murray, CRRS, Toronto, 147- 166.
  • 2012 Manetto di Jacopo Ammanatini, the Florentine Woodcarver-architect and Pippo Scolari’s Castle in Ozora’, In: Art and Architecture around 1400. Global and Regional Perspectives, ed. Marjeta Ciglenečki – Polona Vidmar, University of Maribor, Maribor, 75-79.
  • 2010 The Florentine Scolari Family at the Court of Sigismund of Luxemburg in Buda’, In: Journal of Early Modern History 14 (2010), 513-533.