Vortrag bei GAM, 10. November 2021, 18.30–20.00 Uhr, HS 30

Daniel Knox (Budapest/Wien): Coalition Formation During the Laurentian Schism

Daniel Knox (Budapest/Wien): Coalition Formation During the Laurentian Schism


Moderation: Volker Menze



The Laurentian Schism (498-514) saw Rome divided between support for two candidates for the papacy: Symmachus and Laurentius. Even after the matter was decided in favour of Symmachus and he was confirmed at a synod in 499, tensions remained and anti-Symmachian sentiment led to continued division in the city. Traditionally this has been seen as a conflict between two factions: one pro-Symmachus and the other pro-Laurentius with each being tied to positions in wider church conflicts such as the Acacian Schism between Rome and Constantinople. This view simplifies and minimizes the motivations of the groups and individuals that supported each candidate throughout the dispute. Support for each candidate was not fixed nor given without condition. My approach to this issue frames support for each candidate in terms of coalitions—complex networks of support whose constituent members varied in their motivations and relationships with one another. By framing support for each candidate in these terms a much more nuanced narrative of the Schism can be constructed: one which charts the ebbs and flows of support for each candidate. This paper will examine the formation of the coalitions that supported each candidate as well as my use of methods such as network analysis to identify and track the coalitions involved in the Laurentian Schism.


Zum Vortragenden:

I am a PhD candidate at Central European University (Budapest/Vienna) and a Praedoc. University Assistant at the University of Vienna where I teach courses on network analysis, digital humanities tools and techniques, and ancient social media. My PhD thesis is examining the topics of coalition building and factionalism during double papal election of 498 and the subsequent Laurentian schism.